
Monday, 3 March 2014

What should be on a PODS - Part 6

Design considerations for PODS:

-          PODS should be in plain language 
-          PODS should have short and simple instructions
-          PODS should have large fonts 
-          Should PODS be written in the patient voice? (e.g. my concerns, my plan, what does it mean to me)
-          How can PODS be culturally sensitive? (e.g., diet instructions, recipes,  community resources)
o   Also, in which areas and when is this needed?
-          How can PODS be language sensitive?
o    dual column - a chosen language and English side by side with same information
o   double sided - English on one side and a chosen language on another
o   patient education materials in multiple languages
o   in which areas and when is this needed?
-          What is the best use of visual communication 
o   Calendar
o   Timeline
o   Chart
o   Images of symptoms
o   Images of medications and related info
o   Images of food
o   Images of resources 
o   Images of contact people
o   Pictures of providers 
-          What is the ideal format? 
o   Paper 
o   App 
o   Patient portal  
o   Ideally this should exist in multiple formats

What should be on a PODS - Part 5

Other things to consider:

-          - Should we consider alternative medicine as a provider if its important to patient and have a section on the PODS for follow up with them?
-          - Should we consider family support as a provider and have a section on the PODS for follow up for them?
-          - Should we have sections on PODS for each “provider”?
-          - Should we have a section for patients to write notes?

Sunday, 2 March 2014

What should be on a PODS - Part 4

How should we tell patients about danger signals to watch out for?

-        -   Guidelines in a timeline if the patient feels a certain way on a certain day, they should do x 
-         -  Include visuals of possible symptoms and what to do if have them which may include multiple steps such as first take meds and if that doesn’t work go to hospital
-         -  Traffic light symptoms - green are normal, yellow are minor, red go straight to the ER
-          - How feel now correlated to how the symptom may change and get worse and what to do if it does
What about reporting on symptoms in general? 

-          Should we include a self-care log for patients to record symptoms
o   With names and pics of possible symptoms
o   With a visual rating scale

Saturday, 1 March 2014

What should be on a PODS - Part 3

What resources do patients want? What from this list would you include?

-          - Websites 
-          - standard patient education information 
-         -  phone number for medical records 
-         -  Community resources such as community centres
-         -  Social network support
-         -  Helpline
-         - recipes, exercise videos 
-           - legal assistance
       - kid friendly activities
        - child care
        - pet care