
Monday, 3 March 2014

What should be on a PODS - Part 6

Design considerations for PODS:

-          PODS should be in plain language 
-          PODS should have short and simple instructions
-          PODS should have large fonts 
-          Should PODS be written in the patient voice? (e.g. my concerns, my plan, what does it mean to me)
-          How can PODS be culturally sensitive? (e.g., diet instructions, recipes,  community resources)
o   Also, in which areas and when is this needed?
-          How can PODS be language sensitive?
o    dual column - a chosen language and English side by side with same information
o   double sided - English on one side and a chosen language on another
o   patient education materials in multiple languages
o   in which areas and when is this needed?
-          What is the best use of visual communication 
o   Calendar
o   Timeline
o   Chart
o   Images of symptoms
o   Images of medications and related info
o   Images of food
o   Images of resources 
o   Images of contact people
o   Pictures of providers 
-          What is the ideal format? 
o   Paper 
o   App 
o   Patient portal  
o   Ideally this should exist in multiple formats

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